What Is Neapolitan Pizza? – Neapolitan Pizza: The Authentic Italian Classic You Need to Try


Neapolitan pizza is an authentic Italian classic with international fame for its unique flavor and traditional preparation methods. If you’re a pizza lover, this must-try dish will transport your taste buds to Italy. This blog will help you understand ‘What Is Neapolitan Pizza?‘.

What Is Neapolitan Pizza?

So, What Is Neapolitan Pizza? Neapolitan pizza is a type of pizza that originated in Naples, Italy. It uses simple, high-quality ingredients, including San Marzano tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella cheese, fresh basil, and olive oil. The dough is made from a specific type of wheat flour and is shaped by hand, resulting in a thin, soft crust with a slightly charred outer layer.

What truly sets Neapolitan pizza apart is the method of cooking. Traditionally, it is cooked in a wood-fired oven at a high temperature of around 900 degrees Fahrenheit. This quick cooking process gives the pizza its signature blistered crust and a smoky flavor.

History And Origin Of Neapolitan Pizza

Neapolitan pizza has a long and rich history that dates back to the 18th century. It was originally a simple dish enjoyed by the working class in Naples. However, it quickly gained popularity and eventually became a symbol of Italian cuisine.

Legend has it that the Margherita pizza, now one of the most famous variations of Neapolitan pizza, was created in 1889 in honor of Queen Margherita of Italy. The pizza was topped with tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil to represent the colors of the Italian flag.

In 1984, the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana (AVPN) was founded in Naples to preserve and protect the authenticity of Neapolitan pizza. They established strict guidelines for the ingredients, preparation methods, and even the type of oven used to cook Neapolitan pizza.

Neapolitan pizza continues to be celebrated worldwide for its simplicity, authenticity, and incredible taste. Whether you enjoy it in its birthplace of Naples or at a pizzeria specialising in traditional Neapolitan pizza, you will surely be delighted by this classic Italian dish.

What Is Neapolitan Pizza?

The Characteristics Of Neapolitan Pizza

Authentic Ingredients And Traditional Recipe

Neapolitan pizza is a traditional Italian classic that has gained worldwide recognition for its unique characteristics. What sets Neapolitan pizza apart from other styles is its commitment to using authentic ingredients and following a traditional recipe. From the meticulously sourced tomatoes and mozzarella cheese to the type of flour used, every component plays a crucial role in creating the distinctive flavors of Neapolitan pizza.

The tomatoes used in Neapolitan pizza are usually San Marzano tomatoes, known for their rich and sweet taste. The mozzarella cheese is made from fresh buffalo milk, giving it a creamy and tangy flavor. The dough is made from high-quality Caputo Tipo 00 flour, which results in a lighter and more elastic crust.

The Perfect Balance Of Flavors

Neapolitan pizza is known for its simplicity, with only a few key ingredients used to create a harmonious combination of flavors. The sauce, cheese, and toppings are carefully selected to achieve the perfect balance. The sauce is made from crushed San Marzano tomatoes, seasoned with salt and a touch of basil. It is applied sparingly to avoid overpowering the other flavors. The cheese is distributed evenly, and the toppings, such as fresh basil leaves or slices of cured meats, are added sparingly to maintain the integrity of the pizza’s flavors.

Soft And Chewy Crust

One of the defining characteristics of Neapolitan pizza is its soft and chewy crust. The dough is hand-kneaded and left to rise for several hours to develop a light and airy texture. When cooked in a wood-fired oven at around 900°F (480°C), the crust puffs up and develops charred spots, adding a smoky flavor and a slightly crispy exterior. The result is a sturdy crust to hold the toppings yet delicate enough to fold and enjoy easily.

Neapolitan pizza is more than just a food; it is a culinary experience. From the authentic ingredients to the traditional recipe and the soft and chewy crust, Neapolitan pizza is a must-try for anyone who appreciates the art of pizza-making.

Making Neapolitan Pizza

If you are a pizza lover and have ever tried Neapolitan pizza, you know it is special. Originating from Naples, Italy, Neapolitan pizza is the authentic Italian classic you need to try. But What Is Neapolitan Pizza? Let’s dive into the key elements that define Neapolitan pizza.

The Importance Of Wood-fired Ovens

One of the distinct characteristics of Neapolitan pizza is its cooking method. Traditional Neapolitan pizza is cooked in a wood-fired oven, which gives it a unique flavor and texture. The intense heat of the wood fire allows the pizza dough to cook quickly, resulting in a crispy exterior and a soft and chewy interior. The smoky flavor imparted by the wood adds an extra dimension to the overall taste of the pizza.

The Art Of Hand Stretching The Dough

Neapolitan pizza dough is another crucial element that sets it apart from other styles of pizza. The dough has simple ingredients – flour, water, salt, and yeast. What makes it special is the way it is prepared. Neapolitan pizza dough is hand-stretched rather than rolled with a rolling pin, creating a thin, elastic crust. The skilled pizzaiolos (pizza makers) carefully stretch the dough to achieve the perfect thickness and shape, resulting in a light and airy crust.

Sauce And Toppings: Simple Yet Delicious

Neapolitan pizza keeps things simple when it comes to sauce and toppings. The sauce is made from San Marzano tomatoes, known for their rich flavor and low acidity. The tomatoes are typically crushed or pureed and spread over the dough. As for the toppings, Neapolitan pizza focuses on quality over quantity. The classic Neapolitan pizza, Margherita, features only three toppings – fresh mozzarella cheese, basil leaves, and a drizzle of olive oil. This simplicity allows the flavors of the ingredients to shine and creates a harmonious balance.

In conclusion, Neapolitan pizza is a true culinary masterpiece that showcases the art of pizza-making. From the wood-fired oven to the hand-stretched dough and simple yet delicious toppings, it is a must-try for any pizza enthusiast. So, if you ever come across a Neapolitan pizzeria, be sure to indulge in this authentic Italian classic

What Is Neapolitan Pizza?

Neapolitan Pizza Varieties

Traditional Margherita Pizza

Regarding Neapolitan pizza, the traditional Margherita pizza is the undisputed classic. This mouthwatering delight is made with simple and fresh ingredients, including San Marzano tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, basil, and olive oil. The harmonious combination of these flavors creates a truly authentic Italian experience that will transport your taste buds to the streets of Naples.

Other Classic Neapolitan Variations

While the Margherita pizza reigns supreme, Neapolitan pizza offers a variety of other classic options. One popular choice is the Marinara pizza, topped with San Marzano tomatoes, garlic, oregano, and olive oil. The Napoletana pizza is another classic variation, featuring toppings like anchovies, capers, olives, and oregano. These traditional Neapolitan pizzas showcase the simplicity and purity of the ingredients, allowing each flavor to shine.

Creative Toppings And Modern Twists

Neapolitan pizza has also evolved to include creative toppings and modern twists in recent years. Pizza chefs have embraced their creativity, experimenting with unique combinations that still honor the traditional Neapolitan style. From adding prosciutto, arugula, and truffle oil to incorporating local ingredients and seasonal produce, these new variations offer a fresh and exciting take on the classic Neapolitan pizza.

Whether you prefer the tried and true Margherita pizza or enjoy exploring the innovative twists, Neapolitan pizza is an experience that should not be missed. Its light, chewy, and charred crust, combined with the simplicity of the toppings, create a masterpiece that has captivated pizza lovers worldwide.

So, next time you’re craving pizza, venture beyond the standard options and try an authentic Neapolitan pizza. You’ll discover a new world of flavors and understand why this Italian classic has become a global sensation.

Where To Find Neapolitan Pizza

Neapolitan pizza is a must-try if you’re a pizza enthusiast or want to try something new. Known for its simple yet delicious flavors, Neapolitan pizza has gained popularity worldwide. But where can you find this authentic Italian classic? Let’s explore some of the best places to enjoy Neapolitan pizza.

Famous Neapolitan Pizzerias In Naples

When it comes to Neapolitan pizza, Naples is the birthplace and the ultimate destination. Here are a few iconic pizzerias you should visit in Naples to experience the true taste of this classic dish:

  1. Da Michele: Established in 1870, this historic pizzeria is known for its classic Margherita pizza. The thin, soft crust, rich tomato sauce, gooey mozzarella, and aromatic basil combine to create a heavenly culinary experience.
  2. Sorbillo: This family-run pizzeria has been serving mouthwatering Neapolitan pizzas since 1935. Their wide selection of toppings and attention to detail make Sorbillo a favorite among locals and tourists.
  3. Gino Sorbillo Lievito Madre al Mare: This pizzeria is located near the seafront and offers a unique twist on Neapolitan pizza. Their dough is made with “lievito madre,” a natural yeast starter that adds complexity to the flavor.

International Neapolitan Pizza Restaurants

If you can’t make it to Naples, don’t worry! Neapolitan pizza has made its way to various corners of the world. Here are a few international restaurants where you can indulge in this Italian delicacy:

  1. Pizzeria Da Marco – Hong Kong: This renowned pizzeria brings the taste of Naples to the vibrant streets of Hong Kong. With authentic ingredients imported from Italy and traditional wood-fired ovens, Pizzeria Da Marco offers an unforgettable Neapolitan pizza experience.
  2. Una Pizza Napoletana – New York City: This critically acclaimed pizzeria in New York City is famous for its minimalist approach to Neapolitan pizza. Each pie is carefully crafted using fresh, high-quality ingredients, resulting in a perfect balance of flavors.
  3. Mozza – Singapore: Mozza is a collaboration between celebrity chef Mario Batali and restaurateur Joe Bastianich. With its sleek and modern ambience, Mozza offers an elevated dining experience with delicious Neapolitan-style pizzas.

Neapolitan pizza has become a beloved culinary delight no matter where you are. From the birthplace in Naples to international destinations, there are plenty of places to savor this authentic Italian classic.

What Is Neapolitan Pizza?

Neapolitan Pizza Vs. Other Pizza Styles

Differences Between Neapolitan, New York, And Chicago Pizza

When it comes to pizza, there are various styles enjoyed worldwide. Neapolitan, New York, and Chicago pizza are three popular styles that each have their unique characteristics.

Neapolitan Pizza:

Originating from Naples, Italy, Neapolitan pizza is known for its thin and soft crust, cooked quickly in a wood-fired oven. The simplicity of Neapolitan pizza lies in its few ingredients: flour, water, salt, yeast, and San Marzano tomatoes. It is typically topped with fresh mozzarella cheese and fresh basil leaves. This style of pizza has a chewy texture and a slightly charred crust.

New York Pizza:

New York pizza is characterized by its large, foldable slices and crispy yet pliable crust. The dough is typically hand-tossed and allowed to rise for longer, resulting in a more substantial chew. It is traditionally topped with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and various toppings. New York pizza is known for being foldable and eaten on the go.

Chicago Pizza:Chicago pizza, also known as deep-dish pizza, is a unique style that features a thick, buttery crust that is baked in a deep, round pan. It is layered with cheese, toppings, and tomato sauce, with the cheese often placed on top to prevent the crust from becoming soggy. Chicago pizza is deep, hearty, and often requires a knife and fork.

Why Neapolitan Pizza Stands Out

To answer ‘What Is Neapolitan Pizza?’, Neapolitan pizza stands out due to its simplicity and focus on high-quality ingredients. The traditional Neapolitan pizza dough requires a specific type of flour and is handmade, resulting in a unique texture and flavor. The wood-fired oven imparts a smoky flavor, giving the crust its signature charred spots. With minimal toppings, Neapolitan pizza allows the flavors of the dough, tomatoes, and cheese to shine through.

Neapolitan pizza has gained worldwide recognition and is protected by strict regulations to preserve its authenticity. The Associazione Vera Pizza Napoletana (AVPN) sets the standards for true Neapolitan pizza and certifies pizzerias that meet their criteria.

Whether you prefer the crispy New York slice, the deep-dish goodness of Chicago pizza, or the simplicity of Neapolitan pizza, each style has its unique appeal. Trying different pizza styles allows you to experience the diverse flavors and textures that make pizza one of the world’s most beloved foods.

Tips For Enjoying Neapolitan Pizza

Eating Etiquette And Proper Technique

When savoring Neapolitan pizza, you can employ a few etiquettes and techniques to fully enjoy this authentic Italian classic.

First and foremost, Neapolitan pizza is meant to be eaten with your hands. Using a knife and fork is considered a faux pas and may offend traditionalists. So, embrace the authentic experience by picking up a slice and taking a bite.

Neapolitan pizza is known for its thin and soft crust, which can be delicate. To prevent the toppings from sliding off, fold the slice gently in half lengthwise before biting. This technique also helps contain any drippings from the flavorful tomato sauce.

Another important tip is to eat Neapolitan pizza when it is hot and fresh out of the oven. Combining the hot bubbling cheese, the aromatic toppings, and the perfectly charred crust creates a truly sublime taste experience. So, try to consume it as soon as it is served.

Pairing Neapolitan Pizza With Drinks

To enhance your Neapolitan pizza experience, pair it with the right beverages. Traditional choices include:

  1. Beer: A cold and crisp lager or ale complements the rich flavors of Neapolitan pizza. The carbonation in the beer helps cleanse the palate between bites, allowing you to appreciate the different ingredients fully.
  2. Red Wine: A medium-bodied red wine such as Chianti or Barbera pairs well with the robust flavors of Neapolitan pizza. The acidity of the wine cuts through the richness of the cheese and balances the acidity of the tomato sauce.
  3. Sparkling Water: For a non-alcoholic option, sparkling water can provide a refreshing contrast to the savory and tangy flavors of Neapolitan pizza. Its effervescence can help cleanse the palate while maintaining a neutral taste profile.

Remember, the goal is to find a beverage that complements rather than overwhelms the flavors of the pizza. So, experiment with different pairings to discover your preferred combination.

Whether indulging in a classic Margherita or exploring unique toppings, following these tips will ensure you fully relish the delights of Neapolitan pizza. Buon appetito!


Now you know ‘What Is Neapolitan Pizza?’. Neapolitan pizza is a must-try for you if you consider yourself a pizza lover. This authentic Italian classic has a rich history, unique characteristics, and a taste that will satisfy your pizza cravings. From its traditional wood-fired oven baking method to its carefully chosen ingredients, Neapolitan pizza is a slice of Italian culinary heritage that should not be missed.

Neapolitan Pizza: A Slice Of Italian Culinary Heritage

Neapolitan pizza originates from Naples, Italy, and carries a centuries-old tradition. It is made with simple yet high-quality ingredients like San Marzano tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, fresh basil, and extra virgin olive oil. What makes Neapolitan pizza unique is its preparation and baking process. The dough is hand-kneaded and left to rise for several hours, producing a soft and chewy crust. It is then topped with the finest ingredients, cooked in a high-wheeled wood-fired oven, and emerges with a charred yet delicate crust. This combination of fresh ingredients and traditional preparation methods gives Neapolitan pizza its distinct flavor and texture.

Why Everyone Should Try Neapolitan Pizza

There are several reasons why Neapolitan pizza deserves a spot on your culinary bucket list. Firstly, it offers an authentic experience, allowing you to taste Italian culture and tradition. It is also healthier than many commercial pizzas, using fresh and minimally processed ingredients. Additionally, Neapolitan pizza showcases the skill and craftsmanship of the pizzaiolos (pizza makers) who have honed their techniques over generations.

Whether you are a pizza connoisseur or simply someone who enjoys good food, Neapolitan pizza is an experience you should not miss. Its unique flavor, chewy crust, and rich history will leave a lasting impression on your taste buds. So, venture out and try Neapolitan pizza – you won’t regret it!

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